Ethereum Defense Alliance (EDA)

We are a group of individuals and entities with the goal of protecting Ethereum against risk vectors and fostering a robust and sustainable network.

› Monitor governance with GovWatch


The EDA’s mission is protect Ethereum from centralization and risk vectors through:

  • Collaboration: As the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”. We aim to bring together individuals, projects, and organizations from across the ecosystem to promote positive change as a united front.
  • Education: Knowledge about decentralization pitfalls and their common causes is important to prevent the community at large from falling into them. This is our first (and possibly best) defense against risk vectors.
  • Governance: Project governance can have inluential effects on the rest of the network. The EDA contains delegates from key projects who will prioritize and advocate for chain health.
  • Monitoring: We are developing tools and resources to actively monitor threats to Ethereum’s decentralization to catch issues early.
  • Change: Once a threat has been identified, we look to spread awareness to the broader Ethereum community for swift course correction.

Our shared values:

  • Permissionless: Anyone should be able to participate without permission from a 3rd party.
  • Decentralized: Power and control should be well distributed to minimize dependence on any single software or entity.
  • Censorship Resistant: Users and applications should be free from arbitrary censorship.
  • Open Source: Software should be free, open, shared, and auditable.
  • Credibly Neutral: Base-layer infrastructure should be neutral.
  • Trustless: Critical software should be trustless.
  • Secure: User security and safety should be a priority.
Member Socials
hanniabu.eth, EDA Steward
bobrossi.eth, EDA Steward
minimalgravitas.eth, EDA Steward
Benido, EDA Steward
nixo.eth, EthStaker
superphiz.eth, Advocate
Anthony Sassano, The Daily Gwei
Pol Lanski, Dappnode
jasperthefriendlyghost.eth, Rocket Pool
Prada, Diva
Jason Vranek, Puffer
amiru.eth, Puffer
waqwaqattack.eth, Rocket Pool
Ryan Berckmans, Advocate
austonst.eth, Aestus Relay
kudeta, Aestus Relay
dybsy.eth, Hop Delegate
Thorsten Behrens, EthStaker
Evan Jones, Advocate
5dayoldburrito, Advocate
darkosnightmare, Influence
Freek, Advocate
Grant, Rocket Pool
pa7x1, Advocate
phimarhal.eth, Advocate
haurog.eth, Advocate
How to view, set, or change delegates

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View Delegates

On Tally

There’s 2 ways:

  1. From a DAO’s main page, you can select “My Voting Power” to see your delegation status
  2. From your personal profile, you can click each of the DAOs you’re a member of and your delegation status will be listed at the top.

For more details (and screenshots):

On Snapshot

From a DAO’s main page, select “Delegates” from the sidebar to see who you delegated to.

Set Delegates

On Tally

There’s 2 ways:

  1. From a DAO’s main page, scroll down to the “Trending Delegates” section and select “Explore all delegates”. When you find an account you’d like to delegate to, select the “Delegate” button.
  2. If you already know who you want to delegate to, from a DAO’s main page select “My Voting Power”. From here select “Update Delegation” then “Someone else” and enter the account’s address.

On Snapshot

From a DAO’s main page, select “Delegates” from the sidebar and enter who you’d like to delegate to. This will automatically overwrite any previous delegation.

Change Delegates

On Tally

There’s 2 ways:

  1. From a DAO’s main page, scroll down to the “Trending Delegates” section and select “Explore all delegates”. When you find an account you’d like to delegate to, select the “Delegate” button.
  2. If you already know who you want to delegate to, from a DAO’s main page select “My Voting Power”. From here select “Update Delegation” then “Someone else” and enter the account’s address.

On Snapshot

From a DAO’s main page, select “Delegates” from the sidebar and enter who you’d like to delegate to. This will automatically overwrite any previous delegation.

Delegate Project Profile
bobrossi.eth Arbitrum View Profile →
jasperthefriendlyghost.eth Diva View Profile →
waqwaqattack.eth Diva View Profile →
bobrossi.eth Hop View Profile →
waqwaqattack.eth Rocket Pool View Profile →
jasperthefriendlyghost.eth Rocket Pool View Profile →
Influence Starknet View Profile →


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